Saturday, March 27, 2010

A Telling Digression

So, I know I said I'd post a few more tells, and I will, but in... a paragraph or so.

I decided to go to a casino I used to play at when I first started out with poker, a few days ago. The reason I stopped going there was the table atmosphere - people are really stuck up and not fun to talk to. Anyhow, what I had FORGOTTEN about said players is that they're pretty much all donkeys. I made $350 in 3 hands in 45 minutes at a 2/5NL HE table. I thought about the hands afterwards and realized that these people called my all-in bets, or my large, pot sized bets, with absolutely nothing other than a draw (if that). Anyhow, I'm going to go back there soon, easy money is easy.

Anyhow, here's another tell that'll help you out; watch the player's carotid artery (for those of you that don't know where that is, check out this wiki - ) Anyhow, when a player is excited about something, or nervous about something, more blood pumps through their veins, and at a faster rate. When the artery is throbbing heavily, and noticeably, chances are the player is bluffing. When a player's artery is fairly unnoticeable or pumping slowly, they most likely have a hand. This has come in handy at least once every three hands for me, it's a guaranteed stack-saver.

More to come soon, I've got my hands full with a cat my girlfriend and I are fostering for about a week or so. She's really sweet, but loves attention (and needs lots of it!)


1 comment:

  1. Cool posts on tells. I never played poker live seriously but I figured all the times I've seem people ask "will you show" on tv there had to be something more to it.

    Next you have to cover what info a player gets when he asks "how much you have behind?" :)
