Monday, May 3, 2010

When Queens meet Aces

When Queens meet Aces, things don't always turn out how you'd expect them to. Sure, Aces are the HUGE pre-flop favourite, at something like 85% to take the pot, but what happens when those aces see a Q on the flop? What happens is me not being able to exit the hand. My stack was smaller than the rather large pot, and, having put my opponent on either Kings or Queens pre-flop, I prayed to whoever was listening that he had pocket kings as I said "I call". My read was right, he had a set of queens - turn and river were both blanks. Sigh.

Anyhow, one of the first lessons I learned years and years ago was to never get sidetracked by hands that play themselves, no matter how much money is lost to 'em. So I took some time off and am heading back tomorrow to get back to work. I don't really have any tips this week, other than to not get too disheartened when you lose a crap-tonne of money, just take the beating, take some time off, and get back on that horse. I'll write a bit more tomorrow, but for now, goodluck!
